one year ago
#3357 Quote

Protack and ABSTACK30 are both medical devices used for spinal fusion surgeries. However, they are different in terms of their design and characteristics.

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Protack is a type of titanium mesh cage used to stabilize . It is designed to be inserted between the vertebrae and packed with bone graft material to encourage the growth of new bone and facilitate fusion. ABSTACK30, on the other hand, is an interbody fusion device  material and designed to be implanted .

In terms of which device is better, it would depend on the specific needs and circumstances of the patient, as well as the surgeon's clinical judgment and experience. Both devices have been used successfully on surgeries and have their own advantages and limitations.

Ultimately, the choice of device would depend on factors such as the patient's diagnosis, the location and extent of the spinal condition, and the surgeon's experience and preference. The surgeon would need to carefully evaluate each patient's situation and determine which device would be most appropriate for that individual's needs.